Sowing Seeds

One tiny seed, nestling in my hand. It's hard to fathom sometimes that each one has the potential to supply kilos of fresh tomatoes. They don't look much to the eye, and they certainly wouldn't do much to fill me up, but by committing them to soil, nurturing and caring for it over the weeks and months ahead, a substantial crop should appear.

Strangely, though, some seeds which I plant will amount to nothing. Some will not germinate, others will produce plants which for one reason or other, will die before producing fruit. They will have the same care and the same water, but will be fruitless.

As God's people, it is our business to sow seeds wherever we go. Nobody really knows what the fruit of the encouragement you - may give to a discouraged person will be, nor can we be sure of the ultimate results of sharing God's work in our lives. We cannot guess at the impact of a little loving care, nor of the results of those moments we spend in prayer. Whether any fruit comes or not, the important thing is to sow the seeds. It is God who is responsible for the growth (see 1 Cor 3:6-7). No growth will come unless the seeds are planted.

As we enter this new era in ministry, we need to remember that it is the little things which are the most important; the small opportunities that come by only briefly, and if missed can never be recaptured. God expects us to be faithful in the little things. In doing these are the seeds sown which grow and become 'the biggest of all the trees, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade.'

Our God is able to do great things, if only we open our hearts and commit our lives to being faithful in the smallest of things.

August 22, 1993
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