God's Vision for us

written by Rev Gary Heard

How do we, as the people of God, seek to discover God's vision for us as a church?  Last Sunday, it was indicated that there are a great many doors for ministry open around us - more than we can possibly hope to undertake as a church, given the resources we have.  God has only called us to do certain things, not do everything for everyone.  Seeking His vision gives us insight as to what it is we are called to be and do.

This vision only comes through prayer - the prayer of all.  "You do not have because you do not ask God" says James (4:2).  We are encouraged often in Scripture to ask God and it will be given.  While we need to be careful how we apply that verse, surely there is no more confidence in asking than for the vision that God has for our lives, both personally and corporately?

God's vision is so important that it is not given to the casual seeker.  It is given for the purpose of commitment; that we might be committed to seeing it fulfilled.  But we have no option.  Without the vision of God, we are condemned to an ad hoc ministry, never reaching our full potential.  With God's vision comes confidence about the future direction - if not a little fear and trepidation as to its fulfilment.  And yet there can be no more exciting thing than to watch God's purposes unfolding before us.  Let us then join in prayer, seeking the vision of God's task for us.

February 13, 1994


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