
There is an increasing frustration with the operation and effectiveness of our political system. Events of the recent week in relation to the Mabo case and the responsibilities and obligations of our nation to its original inhabitants, have highlighted people's frustration with the relative ineffectiveness of the system. The unwillingness of politicians to admit that the answers aren't easy, and to consult with others in finding a solution to a problem which has been ignored for 200 years, together with the reasonable fear on behalf of the leaders about any change, has been clear. Consequently, there has been a response of self-interest rather than a genuine attempt to find an equitable solution.

We in the church are often not so very different from our politicians.  An inability to be transparently honest, and to admit that we don't always have answers, or that we are struggling with issues in our personal lives, hampers the ministry of the church and the growth of its members. The apostle Paul left himself extremely vulnerable and open on many occasions, resulting in hardship,. but also growth personally and for the church. If the ministry of the church is to be effective, we need to learn how to be vulnerable to one another, and to accept and encourage those who are vulnerable with us. In a society where intimacy and belonging are long lost values, the world needs the church to demonstrate these in a powerful way.

June 13, 1993

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