The Best Place

Where is the place that you most associate with the following:

I know that the answers given to these questions by the average Australian would not include the church very often.  The sad part is that I suspect that very few Christians would answer "the Church" either.  And yet who is more creative than our God?  Who has expressed greater passion than Jesus and his followers?  Who calls for higher standards of excellence, whilst at the same time demonstrating genuine acceptance and love than Jesus?  Who reveals greater truth, encourages us to take risks, seeks to transform our lives, gives real meaning to life than God Himself, whilst at the same time generating a wide diversity of expression of His character?  Ought not the church be such a place as well???

This will only come as we are all willing to offer ourselves to the work of the Church - the work of the kingdom here in this place.  No one person can generate this, only God's people working together.

Wouldn't it be great to be known for these things?  Wouldn't it please God?!

July 17, 1994

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