New Life

There has been a marked change around the manse over this past week.  The entrance of a new life - our first child - through the front door has brought with it many things - wet nappies, interrupted nights, cries which demand attention and analysis.  But most of all it has opened up a new future. Many things are ahead which we will explore together as a family.  Some exciting, some challenging, some difficult, some heart-wrenching. The future is full of possibilities.

Sometimes as a church we need the new life of young christians to remind us that the future is still greater than the past. Jesus told his disciples, "Greater things than these will you do." (John 14:12) Jesus opened the door to an exciting future for the church.  THESE "GREATER THINGS" ARE STILL AHEAD.  The innovative work of God is not over. The story of Rosanna Baptist church is only beginning! Moses spent 80 years in preparation for the great task of leading Israel to freedom - we aren't quite that far down the track yet! What the next chapter holds for us, we do not yet knew, but let us pray with open expectation that God is only beginning his work in our midst.

June 6, 1993
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